How-To Use The Changeup Circle®
Our patented design gives immediate feedback to the thrower. Watch the how-to video below to get started throwing better changeups!
Instructional Videos
Check out the videos below to learn more about proper throwing techniques and how to create the proper feel.
Releasing Early Into Pronation - Left Handed
Now, for the proper flight for the changeup pitch with the Changeup Circle®, the flight of the Changeup Circle will be a little different. You need to get the Changeup Circle® on a tilted axis in flight with no wobble, feeling that through the middle & ring fingers. This is referred to as releasing early into pronation.
Stay Behind The Ball
The Changeup Circle® is designed to correct that tendency by teaching players to use wrist flexion upon release—properly sequencing the kinetic chain for maximum throw control with the minimum resistance and injury risk. This device will prevent players from "throwing outside the ball".
Release Early Into Pronation
You need to get the Changeup Circle® on a tilted axis in flight with no wobble, feeling that through the middle & ring fingers. This is referred to as releasing early into pronation. When properly thrown, pitchers should see a smooth, flat flight with no wobble.
Throwing The Perfect Changeup
The Changeup Circle® helps pitchers understand the changeup pitch, both in grip and feel. As they released the Changeup Circle® and then put a baseball in their hand, they saw results and the differences between the fastball and the changeup both in speed and ball flight and trajectory.
Arm Care
The Changeup Circle® helps players develop proper throwing mechanics, promoting arm care, and aiding in success on the mound and in the field. With that said, we recommend that all players have a proper warmup and agility program. Along with that, there should be a proper stretching series for flexibility in the sport.
Coaching Points
Check out the videos below to learn more about the Changeup Circle® and how it can help your athlete become a better pitcher.
Why Use The Weighted Changeup Circle®?
Coach Joe explains how immediate feedback from the Changeup Circle® helps you throw better Changeups.